Cycles Heroic

Welcome to 'Cycles Heroic'- the official team for the Eroica California. These elite athletes will be riding period-correct unique and irreplaceable bicycles from the classic era of cycling. Our goal is to crest every hill first, arrive at every food stop first, and of course to be heroic in the pursuit of classic vintage casual coastal living. We are not new to riding older bicycles-we have been doing this long before craigslist, ebay, indexing, clipless pedals, lycra -even the internet. We feel at home on the white gravel roads and are not afraid to shred the vintage gnar with a style all our own.
We will be easy to spot in our own classic pink jerseys , riding one-of-a-kind priceless cycles-the likes of which you probably have not heard of.....that's because we all ride on the rarest of the rare-bikes made by unknown masters obscured by the relentless passage of time. We are duty bound to ride these rare cycles not only to heroic ends, but also to raise awareness of artisans largely ignored by the vintage bicycle enthusiasts.
Come to the Eroica California and witness history repeating itself on the road with a cast of hundreds of vintage bicycle devotees from all over the world. We will be there to vanquish them all.
